毕加索 Pablo Picasso – 老吉他手 Old Guitarist

毕加索 Pablo Picasso – 老吉他手 Old Guitarist
Pablo Picasso, Old Guitarist, 1903, Chicago Art Institute

巴勃罗·毕加索 Pablo Picasso (1881年10月25日~1973年4月8日),西班牙艺术家,艺术作品涉猎甚广,绘画、雕塑、版画、陶艺、舞台设计、写诗、写剧本。

* 13,500 绘画作品(paintings)
* 100,000 版画作品(graphic prints or engravings)
* 34,000 插画(book illustrations)
* 300 雕塑和陶艺(sculptures and ceramics)

– 早期 Early Life:1901年前
– 蓝色时期 Blue Period:1901~1904年
– 玫瑰时期 Rose Period:1904~1906年
– 非洲艺术和原始主义 African art and primitivism:1907–1909
– 立体主义 Analytic cubism: 1909–1912
– Synthetic cubism: 1912–1919
– 新古典主义和超现实主义 Neoclassicism and surrealism: 1919–1929
– The Great Depression to MoMA exhibition: 1930–1939
– 二战和40年代后期 World War II and late 1940s: 1939–1949
– 晚期 Later works to final years: 1949–1973


Pablo Picasso, 1902–03, Femme assise (Melancholy Woman), oil on canvas, 100 x 69.2 cm, Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan
Picasso, The Blindman’s Meal, 1903, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Pablo Picasso, 1903, The Tragedy, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Pablo Picasso, La Vie, 1903, 196.5 x 128.5cm, Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA), Cleveland, OH, US
Pablo Picasso, 1902–03, La soupe (The soup), oil on canvas, 38.5 x 46.0 cm, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada
Picasso, The Two Sisters, 1902




Picasso, Two Women Running on the Beach, 1922

[1] https://www.picassomio.com/art-articles/picasso-how-many-artworks-did-picasso-create-in-his-life-time.html)